We thank God for His grace in helping us to plan for the church camp and enabling the camp to proceed smoothly. Initially, I was a bit concerned especially when I got to know that some of our regular campers would be giving this camp a miss as they would be traveling overseas to be with their children. However, God has moved the hearts of those who are not so regular to come for the camp. It was such a joy for us to see them signing up and committing to come for the camp.

We had our church camp in Ipoh at Hotel Excelsior. Even though, it was only a small 3-star hotel, yet the rooms were clean and equipped all the necessities. The function room provided for the hotel was sufficient for us to run our programme smoothly, with ample place for us to have our various group discussion. The buffet dinner has limited offering but the dishes were surprisingly quite tasty. Anyway, food is easily available with coffee shops all around the Dim Sum Street just behind the hotel.

Going to and fro from Ipoh by flight was a simple 1hour 10mins without the hassle of traffic jams. Traveling within the city is easy with Grab cars readily available and at cost of RM5-8. Other than the incident where one of the campers who fell and knocked her head, we were well protected from any untoward incidents. God also granted fine weather throughout the camp. I believe most of our campers had an enjoyable time fellowship in the Word, discussion and worship; and at the same time, enjoying each other company as we toured and ate our way around Ipoh.

The theme which we have for the camp is “Building up the Community of Believers.” We have this theme in preparation for what will be ahead for us in the coming year. We have been operating as a church for more than 50 years. We are entering into the next lap where renewal is required. We need to build up the community of believers.

In the first message, the focus is on the common-shared faith. To build a community of believers, all of us must hold on to the common faith. We may be facing a fast-changing world with different methods of doing things. However, our faith is unchanging because it is founded on the unchangeable Word of God. Not only must we have the common faith, we must also share the faith with one another to encourage one another. Sharon BPC is a church which comprises at least four generations within its rank – Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials and Gen Z. We do not deny that generation gaps exist. Hence, we must make effort to bridge the gap and to humble ourselves as we learn from each other. The Greek term koinōnia is used to describe

sharing things in common, and especially in reference to fellowship in the spiritual realm. Hence, it is important to build up a strong fellowship among the community of believers. Relationship is the core of fellowship as seen in the early church (Acts 2:42-47).

The second message emphasized on the communion in Christ. Before we can have a communion in Christ, we must first be union in Him. He must be the vine and we are the branches, for without being in Him, we cannot bear fruit. With the union in Christ fully established, we must proceed with communion in Christ. We must not only be rooted but also be built up in Christ (Col. 2:6-7).

The third message emphasized on what could easily create fissure within the community. Sometimes, this could be the results of the blessings of God. When the blessings of God are not handled carefully, they could turn to misgivings. Pride and a focus on self will lead to the break up of the community. The Corinthian church had been tremendously blessed by God with spiritual gifts and yet these gifts created contention with her ranks when people were unsatisfied with their gifts and coveted after other gifts. We must remember the teachings of the apostle Paul who reminded us that we are different members but all connected to the same body of Christ (1Cor. 12:12-27). We must value our diversity and use the different gifts for the betterment of the whole body of Christ. We must not despise those seemingly inferior or weaker members in the body, for as one member suffers, the whole body suffers. Instead, we must learn to exercise care for each other in our community. We must be like the California Redwood Trees (Sequoia) which developed in a cluster close to each other and with their roots intertwined with one another to hold each other up.

The final message emphasized on the commitment to the Gospel. God has saved us and called us to walk in the strait and narrow way of life. We have to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. We are to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily and follow Him (Luke 9:23). People may have different responses to God’s call. But for us, we are to be committed totally to the cause of the Gospel and not turning back. True faith is not about paying lip service unto the Lord. Are we willing to bear the cost of discipleship, forsaking the cares in this world and be committed to the Gospel? Would we be willing to follow Jesus even if He calls you to serve Him with your heart?

This was the challenge which I laid forth to the campers. It is more prayer that whatever lessons which the Lord has so impressed in their hearts will not return unto the Lord void. Instead, the seed of faith will grow in their heart such that they bear much fruit for the Lord. When our faith is built, then the church will be built; for we are the church. HCL.


